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Check examples for different sets of functionalities and how to set partner images.

After the required functionalities have been enabled to the partner the API is functional & the implementation can be started.

The partner is enabled to customize the experience for the customer or secure the input of clientID by the customer.


Changes on the partner setup are valid & reflected for all customers as soon as set by the partner.

For example, to set the webhook for notifications to the partner or partner images and affiliate banners, you need this endpoint:

The endpoints are documetned at this page.

PUT /setup/partner/images

The image is shown as the creator and the banner is at the end of an handover.

The following steps have to be taken into account:

  1. The partner image must be at least 130px*130px and the banner should be in a banner format and it must have a minimum height of 30px.

  2. The image/banner must be Base64 encoded for the request.

  3. Send a request as described in this YAML.

In order to check the current configuration, use the following endpoint:

GET /setup/partner

This endpoint is used to check the current setup for your system.

Partner with full functionality

> 200 OK
    "enabledRequests": [
    "grantedFunctionality": [
    "webhook": "https://example.com/hotelkit",
    "userSync": {
        "regEx": "^(\\d{3}_\\d*)(,\\d{3}_\\d*)*$",
        "examples": [
        "errorMessage": {
            "de_DE": "Personalnummern m\u00fcssen dem Format XXX_XXXXX entsprechen",
            "en_US": "personnel numbers must be given in the format XXX_XXXXX"
    "sso": {
        "type": "oAuth",
        "providerOptions": {
            "authorizationServer": "https://authorization-server.com/auth",
            "client_id": "hotelkit"

Partner without userPush

> 200 OK
        "userList","messageImport", "hasActions"

Partner without Webhook

> 200 OK
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