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titlePage Summary and Index

This page gives an overview on available functionalities as an API-Partner.


In Security you will find out how to verify made requests are eligable.




This page gives an overview on available functionalities as an API-Partner.

The granted funtionalities depend on the agreed Use. Cases

Further insights when to use which endpoint based on a process-view will be handled in the Use Case Descriptions.


Available Functionalities


The messageImport allows a partner to create messages in hotelkit. For each request type recipients can be defined & therefore information is sent transparent & efficiently to the respective users. There are several use cases for this, for example:


With that the partner can send pending actions to the customer. Like this, imports are then handled as tasks by the users. For details see section “webhook”. The webhook must be set up for hotelkit being able to send the actions back to the partner.


Whenever the partner needs the list of available users in hotelkit, this functionality is enabled. Only then the partner can send information to specific user or start the push_user functionality.


The partner is enabled to update user data in hotelkit and suggest new users to a customer. This is enabled whenever the partner manages all employee in his system and needs to make sure those employees are available within hotelkit. Therefore, the partner will be the single point of truth & leading system in employee data. The customer does not need to maintain user data in two systems anymore, which results in less administrative work.
