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  • Setup of partner – configuration of authentification details

  • Login process

  • Creating user

  • Updating user

  • Deleting user

Setup of Partner

In the initial phase, the partner will be defined as the identity provider by hotelkit. As a result, the partner is granted all the needed functionality. Every other aspect of the configuration can be done and changed by the partner. However, to ensure the best integration the initial configuration should be done in cooperation with hotelkit staff.

The configuration is done via the PUT /setup/partner endpoint. Authorization server, the client_id – that identifies hotelkit on that server – and configuration about deactivated functionality within hotelkit itself can be done here. Especially the configuration of the functionality should be discussed with hotelkit beforehand.

Detailed information about each attribute can be found in the endpoint description.

PUT /setup/partner
            "client_id":"hotelkit", //Identifies that requests are coming from hotelkit
        "hotelkitOptions":{   //Customization of hotelkit internal functions

Login Process

One of the main benefits of Single SignOn is that the user does not need a separate authentication but can authenticate at the identity provider. Based on “RFC 6749 – The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework” the login process at hotelkit with an authorization server is presented:
