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  • Replacement of E-Mail
    If you are currently sending E-mails to notify hotel employees about certain topics, actions, to-do’s etc. this can now be done with a new notification channel – hotelkit. Further, also attachements (pdf, xml, excel, csv..) can be imported. Therefore, with using this functionality you can replace the email inbox & centralize notifications for the employees.

  • Handling of Tasks
    Even whole processes can be sent to hotelkit, as a result, employees can stick to the well-known processes of the partner software, which can be displayed in hotelkit. In combination with has_actions (2.) the partner can send pending actions to the responsible user. The naming & workflow can be defined as used in the partner system. That way the necessary actions can be documented & the status of each task can be tracked & synchronised between the two tools.

  • Import of Personal Data
    Information and documents can be sent to specific users without needing a professional email address. For instance, the roster can be sent to the respective person instead of printing it on paper. This is best used in combination with user_list (3.).
    Besides shift rosters also other messages like holiday requests, sick notices etc. can be imported. Lastly, even sending a payslip is possible & secure within hotelkit. Keeping in mind the user synchronisation, a payslip will be sent only to the designated person in a private handover, only this person has access to.



With that the partner can send pending actions to the customer. Like this, imports are then handled as tasks by the users. For details see section “webhook”. The webhook must be set up for hotelkit being able to send the actions back to the partner.


Whenever the partner needs the list of available users in hotelkit, this functionality is enabled. Only then the partner can send information to specific user or start the push_user functionality.
