Versionen im Vergleich


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If a user gets deactivated in the partner (access is revoked) this change shall reflect in hotelkit by updating the user via PUT /users/{ID} and setting the attribute customerList to be empty “customerList”:[].


With API version 3.1 we provide pagination for user listing, which returns a subset of users.


  • limit: how many users per page

  • offset: at which user it will start

  • count (only in the header of the response): how many users are returned in the list, this can be used to check whether the limit has already been reached

  • total (only in the header of the response): total number of users

Chain Solutions

The case of Chain Solutions apply if multiple businesses share one administration.

In chain solutions it may be useful to call GET /users from the higher-level administration customer to ensure getting all customer. If a user is activated, the user will return in the result of customerList. An user will only contain the customer itself and every customer with a lower level.
This case is described in more detail in the section User Synchronization for Multi-property Cases.
